<旅遊>如何沙發衝浪How to Couchsurfing

也就是可以文化交流, 認識很多人, 還可以省住宿費的好玩方法
I feel like writing again. It's very fun that I am in Freiburg now. Though I am on holidays, I am not really into sightseeing. And now the friend who host me tonight is studying, leaving her laptop for me to kill time. So it's time to write.


So today I would like to share my couchsurfing experience with you guys.
I spent extreme splendid time with people I met on couchsurfing.
I travel alone so they indeed gave me good companions and great tours and extraordinary talks.
However, I had a hard time on couchsurfing. So I am here to share these bitter sweet with you.
What's more, I learnt a lot from well-experienced hosts. Thus, I HAVE SPECIAL AND PRACTICAL INFORMATION for you.

一開始的介紹  A little bit introduction here:
Couchsurfing is a website where you can find people to hang out, to host you, to be your guests. The most important thing is that it is free. Ok, what I did is to get an account and write a good profile about the true you.

找住處的小技巧 A bit tip of finding a host:

  1. 如果要在大城市(例如:巴黎、倫敦)裡找一個住處,非常困難,所以寄越多請求越好,也可以公開自己的行程,看看有沒有善心人士願意收留你,他們會寄給你邀請。If you would like to find a host in big cities < to be honest, it's hard > so send as more couch requests as you can, and remember to make your itinerary public so that people can send you invitations.
  2. 找到人或是收到邀請後,記得好好看看他們的自我介紹及別人寫的推薦,看他們與別人的互動為何,有什麼應該要注意的地方,記得當個好旅客。Take a good and careful look of their references and their profile before sending a request. You have to read it carefully in order to see how hosts interact with guests and be aware of the rules of the host and be sure to respect.
  3. 大部分的人都會免費接待你,但有些人會表示希望你有所回饋,例如:有人會想要你之後接待他們,或是帶些特產來之類的,或是煮飯給他們吃。這些說得明明白白的人很棒,至少你知道他們要的是什麼。但是如果遇到有些人,到他們家才發現他們怪怪的話,你要隨時有心裡準備溜之大吉。雖然我沒遇到,但是我的host跟我說他們的surfer有遇過奇怪的,所以大家還是要警覺性。Some hosts are not hosting you for free. Sometimes, they also want something from you, for example, some would like you to host them back, some would like you to bring something from your country, some would like to have sex with you. It's good when they express the intention clearly. Unfortunately, you might encounter some host don't show their purpose until you meet them in person. So, you have to be alert at all times when you do couchsurfing. You had better have a backup plan about accommodation. If you feel something is wrong, you can just go away. 

Ok, that's it, I think. Now I want to share how lovely my trip is and how amazing people I met on couchsurfing.

我第一個host,他住在法國的臨海小鎮Saint Malo。他是有點少話但是人真的很好一直微笑,但剛開始我都心有疑慮一直懷疑他隨時藏一把刀殺我之類的(因為是第一次沙發衝浪)。哈哈哈。但是他給我看了我人生中看過最美的海和日落,在那個港灣旁我們還一起吃晚餐,超美。My first host ever (So my brain always pictured he's hiding a knife and ready to kill me at any moments....lol) He lives in Saint Malo, a quiet city by the sea in France. He is quiet too but extremely nice with smiles at all times. He showed me a harbor where I found the most beautiful sea color and sunset in the world. (Honestly!!!) 

Nelly and Guy lives in Caen. Nelly accepted my last minute request fortunately. She's like a mother. We cooked together, talking about many things. To my surprise, she loves Chinese Candies which are in fact Chinese pickled plum. Guy and Nelly offered me and the other two surfers a great dinner, good wine and cheese. It was such a great night that I always think of.

Martijn is my host in Amsterdam. He's so into KPOP to the point that I can hardly believe. He's a big fan of Crayon Pop. I can't say any bad words of them in front of him. Apart from this, I feel like that we were long lost friends because we shared a lot of stories including heartbreaking ones. 

 Steffen 和Morgane是我在Strasbourg的host,他們超級隨興,我們一整天不是散步就是去湖裡面玩,烤肉,派對或是看電影。他們的鄉下真的很美,我沉浸在田園風光哈哈哈

Steffen and Morgane hosted me around Strasbourg. Actually we live in Khel in Germany so everyday I crossed the border to France and went back to Germany with them. We took a stroll along the field or in the old town centre. We swam in the lake. We grilled meat. We talked to the animals. The scenery around their house was so stunning that I kept myself indulged with the campaign atmosphere.

I met the girl on the left in Thailand. We met again in Germany and I stayed at her place. We always had great dinners together and great talks. And we share a lot in common as girls at the same age.

The guy who looks evil in the photo is a nice person indeed. He is actually 39 year-old. But I always thought he's 29 or something when I saw him in person because he is kind of childlike/childish and he is still in a good shape. I can't see the middle-age belly at all. So I can't tell his real age easily. He is really nice to walk me in Zurich for 4 or 5 hours. We finished all the tourists spots at one single walk. Before arriving Zurich, I just lost my best friend of my life, feeling like being abandoned by the world. So we had serious talks about the life until the end of evening. I felt really easy with him and happy.

才能遇見這些人 :)


